How to Beat Mood Changes After Quitting Smoking

Mood Changes After Quitting Smoking

Feeling moody or restless? This Monday, you may need to make a few easy and practical adjustments to your quit plan to stay on track.

There is no clear reason why some people may experience feeling irritable, moody, restless, or down after quitting smoking. But it’s a known phenomenon and you’re not alone.

It’s important to be aware of mood changes after quitting smoking so you can deal with them as they arise. Here are a few solutions to try this Monday that may lift you up:

  • Talk to a professional. Number one on the list, if your symptoms are becoming a problem, reach out to a professional. Call your doctor if you feel the need, or speak with a counselor who specializes in helping people quit smoking.
  • Reach Out. Call your quit buddy or find a quit buddy. A one-on-one conversation with a quit buddy may get you out of a rut. Or, reach out to friends and loved ones who can give you the support you need.
  • Keep moving. Physical activity is not only necessary for a healthy lifestyle, it’s also a good way to boost your mood and can distract you during a craving. Try lifting your mood with a brisk walk or a few minutes of yoga.
  • Reward Yourself. Quitting smoking is hard. Maybe it’s time to enjoy the financial perks of quitting with affordable rewards such as a movie night or a nice meal. You’ve saved money from quitting, why not pamper yourself with it instead?

This Monday, beat mood changes and stay quit! Before you know it, you’ll be feeling the healthy effects of all your hard work.

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